Lazy Sunday Round-up

Last week I posted my first Lazy Sunday Round-up. I decided to do this so I could post on Sunday without actually having to write anything, hence the title.

Last week, only two of the pingbacks went through and I haven’t been able to send pingbacks from this blog at all since then. I have sent a support ticket and look forward to getting this sorted out. While pingbacks help generate traffic to our blogs, my main reason for wanting the pingbacks to go through is because they show appreciation for the people whose work I link to.

Speaking of support, WordPress announced yesterday that they will now be offering 24/7 support. Way to go WordPress! It’s a nice way to start off this week’s round-up.

That’s the good news. Now for some bad news from PZ Meyers at Pharyngula:

As someone who takes his laptop everywhere, PZ is rightfully concerned about the ongoing erosion of our civil liberties, just as we all should be.

In Gender Rights are Human Rights, Ryan discusses the matter of choice in regard to transsexuality. How much of a choice is it for transexuals, and should that really matter? Ryan’s take is that he is what he is: it doesn’t matter why, and he shouldn’t have to justify it to anyone. And I totally agree!

Ed Darrell at Millard Filmore’s Bathtub has an interesting post which discusses tips for helping loved ones who suffer from Alzheimer’s Disease and other forms of dementia. He also has a rather disturbing post about the perils of teaching evolution. I admit to only watching about half of the video. It started to make me angry and I didn’t want to begin the day in a foul mood.

On a similar note, Chris Petroni, author of Allusions of Grandeur, discusses “the impending destruction of Texas’ science standards” in God Bless Texas. As a parent to a child attending public school in Texas, this concerns me deeply.

Mike posted an excellent short story entitled One Fine Night and an awesome drabble entitled Run On.

Gary’s been chatting with Elvis’s friend, Marty Lacker, regarding Tommy Steele’s claim that Elvis Presley visited London in the late 1950s. It’s interesting and thorough, and as Marty says, “Elvis is a historical Cultural Icon and it’s important that his history be accurate and true.”

As much as I disagree with some of the ideas being promoted at Feministe, as someone who lives with chronic pain, I found this post by a Feministe guest-blogger very interesting. Amandaw has a lot of tips for managing pain without (or in addition to) pain medications. Good read!

Well, that’s all for this week. Hope everybody gets their pingbacks!

Have a good one!

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